Sunday, July 25, 2004


Update & E-Connect Setup Issues

Something went wrong and my computer started screwing up. IE stopped recognizing some commands like CTRL+ENTER, stopped doing autocomplete, task manager would stop showing the usernames, the date was moved back a few years. I have been using the same installation of Windows XP for about a year and a half now and have been wanting to do a fresh install. This was a perfect time so instead of figuring out what the problem was (one of my brother must have installed something weird on my computer) I decided to just do a clean install of everything on my computer.

Anyways, everything was going good except when I got to the eConnect installation part. When installing eConnect it asked me for the connection string so I went ahead and created it. I specified DYNAMICS as the initial catalog. Once the connection string was built I clicked 'Next' and got the following error:

Error -2147217865 Invalid object name 'dbo.Shield'. 

Now, I am working on figuring out whats the deal with that. Oh and by the way I am also planning on trying out SQL Server 2005 Express Beta :).

Well, I figured out what the problem was. It was one of those where you go 'duh!'
According to the manual the connection string MUST be an admin account (for example 'sa') which is why it couldn't find the dbo.Shield object. Anyways, back to the development!
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